Roxane gay comic book

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Her story primarily focuses on Ayo and Aneka, two of the Dora Milaje who have previously been in Coates' Black Panther. More specifically, Gay explores Ayo and Aneka's budding romance, complete with mad sexual tension as the pair figure out their roles in fighting for Wakanda while falling for each other. Thankfully, Gay is taking her exceptional skills to the world of comic books with Black Panther: World of Wakanda, a spin-off of Ta-Nehisi Coates' Black Panther that explores the backstory of the Dora Milaje, the Black Panther's female bodyguards. Her writing is profoundly explorative, looking at issues of race and gender, and positively heart-stopping with exquisite turns of phrase and deep empathy.

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The powerhouse writer has penned outstanding cultural criticism for places like the New York Times and Vulture, heartwrenching personal Tumblr posts, and several critically acclaimed books, including An Untamed State and Bad Feminist. If you don't know Roxane Gay, get educated.

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